Thursday, November 29, 2012

Child Labor

OK GUYS. So we are half way through the unit. Today in class we focused on the issue of Child Labor during the Progressive Era. These children between the ages of 6-15 worked long hard hours for little pay in order to help their families. They had no education and would only dream of going to school. 

In class we watched a short 2 minute video that gave an introduction to child labor during the Progressive Era, then we read a primary source article which was a 10 year old boy's story of working in the coal mines in Pennsylvania. We then compared labor laws of the Progressive Era to Hawaii Labor Laws today.

Child Labor worksheets

article page 1
article page 2
article page 3

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


So what in the world is a MUCKRAKER?????

Muckrakers were journalists of the era that exposed the corruption of society through their articles and photographs in newspapers, magizines, and journals. Today we learned about three key muckrakers that we must remember for the test. Each of these journalists contributed to the Progressive Era through their writing which led to economic, political and social reforms.

Attached will be the videos we watched in class, each of which gave a little bio about the muckraker and the video on the Triangle Shirt Factory Fire, as well as  an

this next video is a bit graphic (Food industry)

ReMeMbEr KeY InFoRmAtIoN:
Ida Tarbell
Upton Sinclair
Jacob Riis
(who were they, what did they do?)

 Fire Video

structured notes muckrakers and child labor

Monday, November 26, 2012

Lesson Two

Today's lesson focused on women suffrage during the Progressive Era.

As a class we analyzed the lyrics of two songs to find key information about women suffrage during the Progressive Era. We also analyzed a speech written by a former woman slave, Sojourner Truth, and evaluated her argument for equal rights.

ReMeMbEr  kEy InFoRmAtIoN:
Alice Paul
Tactics used by women to rally for voting rights
Seneca Falls Convention
19th amendment vs. 15th amendment
President Woodrow Wilson 

Again, the articles and worksheets and video resources for today's class as well as a short video by me are listed below.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lesson One

What is Progressive? Why does it matter today? 

These are the essential questions we will be asking in class today.  THINK ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!
We will go over an article written about the Progressive Era, learn about what brought about the Progressive Era, and why we are learning about it

ReMeMbEr KeY iNfOrMaTiOn:
political reform, economic reform, social reform
Reforms have always been a part of American History.
What is a reform you would make in society today?

worksheets due at end of class.  

. Attached: